
Música para machos

Bionic Drummer | Awesome Cyborg

Let us introduce you to Jason Barnes, who lost his arm in an accident, so a professor from Gergiat Tech decided to build him a robotic one. The arm works with a stick that responds to his biceps movement and counts with a second stick that responds to rythms.

Mon, 03/10/2014 - 22:07 -- Max Powers

Jess Greenberg | Sexy Amateur

Jess Greenberg and her guitarra

Let us introduce you to Jess Greenberg she, apperently, is a girl who looks forward to be the new sensation on youtube and for that purpose she has uploaded a bunch of videos making covers from AC/DC to Carly Rae Jepsen.

Thu, 09/19/2013 - 08:47 -- Max Powers
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