Rejoice my fellows manly men, it might be that some chinese doctors have found the best cure to hangovers, and just in time for the holidays! Before we tell you the secret we leave you a little bit of a scientific explanation:
Some of the adverse effects of alcohol are thought to be caused, not by the ethanol itself, but by ethanol’s first metabolite, acetaldehyde. Ethanol is metabolized into acetaldehyde by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and then into acetate by aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH).
Unlike acetaldehyde, acetate is innocuous and may even be responsible for some of the positive health benefits of alcohol consumption. Therefore the key to reducing alcohol-related damage lies in minimizing the amount of time acetaldehyde is present in the body.
And the apparently the best way to get rid of all this symptoms y non the less than a sugary bubbled beberage know as Sprite, congrats to you Sprite for helping us synthetized the ALDH and get us back on our feet, so now you know for the festivities coming ahead. Anf if you like to know more, here's the link to the original article. Cheers!
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