Professor Splash | Belly Diving Guiness Record

Ladies and gentleman, let me introduce you to Darren Taylor a.k.a Professo Splash, he is a professional diver who travels the world setting records anentertaining thousands. He is not your average diver, for mr Taylor I mean, Professor Splash, man it's like a superhero's name, specializes in shallow waters, meaning throwing yourself from really fucking high to a little tiny pool, yeah, like in the cartoons. He dives from heights like 30 to 80 feet and he has been in the business for around 25 years, this dude is fucking awesome. This guy teaches us tha even if you are going to do belly diving, if you put enough effort you can be fucking awesome, I give you Darren Taylor, Professor Splash, enjoy

Tue, 09/17/2013 - 20:24 -- Max Powers